Agreement Of Point

Following the occupation on 23 May 1951 of the capital of the eastern province of Chamdo, the People`s Republic of China (CHINA POPULAR REPUBLIC), Tibet forced to sign the 17-point agreement on measures for the peaceful liberation of Tibet. The alternative, according to the occupying forces, is an immediate military operation in the rest of Tibet. Photo after Claude Arpi`s exhibition. If you visit the site or send us e-mails, contact us electronically and you agree to receive communications from us electronically, as far as the law allows. We will contact you by email or by posting messages on this site. You agree that all agreements, communications, advertisements and other communications that we make available to you electronically meet all legal requirements that these communications be made in writing to the extent permitted by law. You agree that we may send you emails advising you on changes or additions to this site, on our products or services, or for other purposes that we deem appropriate and as permitted by law. You can opt out of future advertising emails by clicking on the Opt-out/Ab link and follow the instructions in one of the automated emails we receive. It is assumed that you received e-mails that were sent to you when they were sent to the last email address you indicated. Your electronic communications with us remain subject to our directive on electronic communications and electronic signatures. In this context, the Memorandum on Real Autonomy for the Tibetan People, presented to Chinese leaders in 2008, should be discussed. To what extent did the memorandum depart from China`s three-point approach. More importantly, it is worth considering whether or not the memorandum falls within the Chinese constitution, if not to what extent it has been excluded.

These are the common reasons that Tibet and China must discuss and negotiate in order to reach a mutually acceptable agreement. In 1951, the United States informed the Dalai Lama that, in order to obtain U.S. assistance and support, he had to leave Tibet and refuse «forced agreements» between representatives of Tibet and China. [5] In 2012, the Dalai Lama mentioned that the seventeen-point agreement had been signed in the spirit of one country, two systems. [6] [7] As the other 13 points can be hard, China has implemented it forcefully. But these four points that China has promised Tibet are still not respected, but China has violated it. 6 The third, 4th, 7th and 11th of the agreement According to the Tibetan government in exile, some members of the Tibetan cabinet (Kashag), for example Tibetan Prime Minister Lukhangwa, have never accepted the agreement. [14] But the National Assembly of Tibet «recognizing the mitigating circumstances in which the delegates had to sign the agreement, asked the government to accept the agreement… Kashag told Zhang Jingwu that it would radionalize its agreement on the agreement. [15] On 26 March 1959, the 14th Dalai Lama arrived in Lhuntse Dzong on the way to exile in India, where he reaffirmed his government as the only legitimate representative of Tibet. [16] [20] On 20 June 1959, at a press conference in Mussoorie, the 14th Dalai Lama again rejected the agreement and stated that «China itself has violated the terms of its own agreement, there can no longer be a legal basis for recognizing it.» [16] The 17-point agreement, although signed under duress, gave China the desperately needed excuse to travel to Tibet.

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