Partnership And Cooperation Agreement Between The Eu And Singapore

The parties recognize the potential contribution of organized civil society within the framework of this agreement in the framework of dialogue and cooperation and strive to promote dialogue with organized civil society. 11. Underlines the political value of strong trade and investment relations between Singapore and the European Union; The Partnership and Cooperation Agreement strengthens existing relations between the European Union and Singapore and builds on a common commitment to multilateralism and the rules-based international order. This agreement will form the basis for more effective bilateral engagement between the EU and its Member States and Singapore, strengthening political dialogue and strengthening cooperation in a wide range of areas, including sustainable development, democracy and fundamental freedoms, justice, security, connectivity, intermediary links, information society, education and cultural exchanges , as well as employment and social affairs. It will enable us to intensify scientific and technological cooperation in areas such as energy, the environment, the fight against climate change, the protection of natural resources, smart cities and transport. It will improve cooperation on global challenges, in which Singapore and the EU play an increasingly important role, and help address them more coherently. b) promoting social responsibility and corporate responsibility and promoting responsible business practices, including sustainable consumption and production. This cooperation is complemented by a consumer perspective, such as product information and the role of the consumer in the market; 2. With a view to the implementation of this agreement, each party may submit proposals to extend the scope of cooperation, taking into account the experience gained during its implementation. 3. Welcomes cooperation in the areas of `human-to-human links`, the information society, audiovisual and media, educational and cultural exchanges, employment and social affairs, health and statistics which will help assess the progress of the agreement; She also spoke about the EU`s partnership with ASEAN countries in disaster prevention and response. To date, they have provided EUR 52.6 million to help victims of natural disasters. A regional network for the exchange of information and emergency early warning systems is under way with ASEAN.

THIS is one of the expressions of EU support for the ASEAN Humanitarian Aid Centre. This agreement reaffirms relations with Armenia by providing a framework for dialogue and cooperation to enable better conditions for certain aspects of trade. The APC covers the EU`s standard political clauses in the areas of human rights, the International Criminal Court (ICC), weapons of mass destruction (WMD), small arms and light weapons (ALPC) and the fight against terrorism. It also includes cooperation in areas such as health, environment, climate change, energy, taxation, education and culture, work, employment and social affairs, science and technology and transport.

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